In a groundbreaking move to save motorists’ and construction workers’ lives, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) has launched the Indiana Safe Zones Speed Camera System. The system aims to reduce vehicle speeds and change driver behavior at worksites throughout the state. The new program marks a significant event for HC+M’s Milestone Contractors while setting a new standard for safety in the state’s construction industry.
The I-70 design-build project, under the leadership of Milestone general superintendent Chad Scott, is transforming the Greenfield area by adding a third travel lane in both directions. This ambitious project is the first selected by the state to incorporate speed cameras. We receive high traffic on I-70, with only concrete barriers and barrels to protect our crews. For Chad and his team, cameras are a welcome addition and one more way to help ensure workers make it home safely for their families every day.
For Chad Scott, this project transcends professional duty — it is a personal mission. Having endured the heart-wrenching loss of a coworker due to a distracted driver entering the work zone, the implementation of speed cameras is a deeply meaningful step toward preventing such tragedies in the future. Chad Scott shared, “For many of us, our dedication to safety is personal and shaped by profound experiences. I was honored to testify before the Indiana General Assembly in April to support the speed zone camera pilot program (HB1015). So, it means the world to me to be selected as the first site to get the cameras.” At Milestone, safety is not just a priority — it is a core value. Daily safety huddles, rigorous equipment training and comprehensive job safety audits are integral to the company’s operations. The newly implemented speed cameras are a testament to this commitment, designed to slow down traffic and protect lives in construction zones.
Strategically placed with clear signage, the speed cameras provide ample warning to motorists, encouraging them to reduce speed well before entering construction zones. This pilot program hopes to mirror the success seen in other states, significantly reducing injuries and fatalities. The goal is ambitious yet essential: Achieve zero fatalities and ensure the safety of both workers and motorists.
Indiana Safe Zones represent an important advancement in construction zone safety. Distracted driving is at an all-time high, with 1,750 injured and 33 killed in INDOT work zones in 2023. It is our sincere hope that Safe Zones will result in fewer fatalities where our employees work every day.
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Heritage Construction + Materials (HC+M) is part of The Heritage Group, a privately held, family-owned business headquartered in Indianapolis. HC+M has core capabilities in infrastructure building. Its collection of companies provides innovative road construction and materials services across the Midwest. HC+M companies, including Asphalt Materials, Inc., Evergreen Roadworks, Milestone Contractors and US Aggregates, proudly employ 3,000 people at 68 locations across seven states. Learn more at
About Milestone Contractors, L.P.Milestone Contractors is a privately held, family-owned business headquartered in Indianapolis. Milestone Contractors is a fully integrated heavy construction company specializing in highway, bridge, asphalt and concrete paving and site development. Over its 30-year history, Milestone has built a reputation for prioritizing safety, quality, people and innovation. Milestone Contractors is a part of The Heritage Group’s family of companies. Learn more at